Milliput: Medium Silver-Grey 2-Part Self Hardening Putty (4oz Set)
The choice of professional porcelain & pottery restorers, sculptors and master model makers.
For the restoration of porcelain, pottery and other ceramics, china dolls, sculpting and modeling, military modeling, doll house and miniature creation and repair, creation of master models for mold making, architectural modeling, repair of antiques, objets d’art, picture frames, repair of white domestic chinaware, filling scores and dents in washing machines, refrigerators etc, repairs to showers, spas, swimming pools, boats and many other uses.
Milliput adheres to and will seal or bond ceramics, wood, plastics, glass, metals, cement, fiberglass etc. It can be sculpted and when set can be carved, sawn, drilled, tapped, filed, sandpapered, turned on a lathe and tainted. It can be tinted with pigments and some paints to produce custom colors.
Each pack contains two 2oz sticks. When equal parts are mixed, the resultant putty is at first soft and highly adhesive and then gradually hardens. Speed of hardening is dependant on temperature and at normal temperatures (20-25ºC) Milliput becomes rock hard in three to four hours. By the application of heat the setting time can be reduced to a few minutes. Milliput can set underwater and is heat resistant up to 130ºC.
Once cured Milliput is non toxic and is safe to use on objects that will come into contact with food.
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